Budgeting Services

A realistic and achievable Budget is at the core of all building projects, regardless of size. RACS can assist you in compiling a budget based upon your requirements. When the Budget is linked into the project schedule, cashflow can be monitored to provide detailed analysis of both committed and uncommitted costs. In turn, this will allow you to ensure that funding is in place to suit the progress of the works.

During the performance of the works, the Budget can be adjusted to reflect actual and forecast costs. Thereby this provides both peace of mind and the opportunity to implement savings or reallocation of budget expenditure.

A realistic and achievable Budget is at the core of all building projects.

Robinson Associates Construction Services

Many clients have the confidence to manage the Budget but need assistance in preparing one that is sufficiently detailed so as to provide a meaningful tool fit for purpose. Whilst largely common sense, there is little advantage in preparing a budget that does not include all foreseeable costs and contingency. On most modest and straightforward projects the majority of clients do not need a Bill of Quantities (BofQ) to identify the scope of works for the purpose of pricing and monitoring them. In our experience, many contractors and sub-contractors are not equipped to price and manage B of Q based work. Our approach is therefore to provide a schedule-based format for Budget control. The preparation of our budgets is based upon scope of work associated with the project that would typically be broken down in several ways dependant upon what level of information is required.

By way of example, the works may be broken down as follows:

  • Plant, Labour and Materials
  • Subcontract packages
  • Combination of the above.

Our services are suitable for home owners, contractors, sub-contractors, and developers. Using our resources and experience we can provide services to suit you and your project’s specific requirements. This can be in the form of guidance or a full design and build role.

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